Saturday, February 2, 2013

Oracle SQL

DML Commands: Data Manipulation Language Statements access and manipulate the data in existing schema objects. These statements need commit after the transactions.

1.SELECT  Statement: SQL select stmt is used to retrieve records from one table or more tables in Oracle database.

Syntax: Select <column1> from <table>;

2.INSERT Statement: It allows you to insert a single record or multiple records into a table.

Syntax: INSERT INTO <Table> (col1,col2) values (1,'xxx');

3.UPDATE Statement: It allows to update a single record into a table or multiple tables.

Syntax:UPDATE <Table>  SET col2='yyy' where col1=1;

4.DELETE Statement: It allows you to delete a single record or multiple records from a table.

Syntax:Delete from <Table1> where col1=1;


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