In the global header,Click New,then Analysis,then one of the following options:
1.Select a subject area.The analysis editor is displayed.
2.Create Direct database request.
3.Create Analysis from simple SQL.
Combining Columns using set opeartions:
1.Guidelines for selecting columns to combine.
When selecting columns to combine,keep the following guidelines in mind:
1.The number and data types of the columns to combine be the same.The number of rows that are returned for eack column can differ.
2.We can select columns from the same subject subjec area or from different area,but the columns must have some commonality.
3.Can select one set opeartion for one collection of criteria.
4.We can not use hierarchical columns,selection steps or grouos when you combine criteria.
5.We can not use Hierarchical columns,selection steps or groups when you combine criteria.
Difference between combining columns using set opeartions and adding columns from related subject areas.
1.Combining columns using set opeartions produce different results than adding columns from related subject areas:
-- When you combine columns using set operations,the analysis results show a single newly combined column governed by a set opeartion.
2.When we add columns from related subject area to an analysis,the results show each added column individually.
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